What is Predictive Analytics?

March 13, 2023
Previously, we discussed how to find out what has happened (Descriptive analytics) and then we got to understanding why it has happened (Diagnostic analytics).  It’s time...
Diagnostic Analytics

What is Diagnostic Analytics?

October 27, 2022
Once you have a good understanding of what has happened (Descriptive analytics) it’s time to consider why it happened. Diagnostic analytics refers to the methods used...
Descriptive Analytics Button on Keyboard

What is Descriptive Analytics?

July 18, 2022
Descriptive analytics is using data to answer what has happened. This makes descriptive analytics an essential aspect of every business; before deciding what is next, we...

What is Data Analytics?

March 23, 2022
Analytics is the process of applying math to data to get insights into specific questions. Data Analytics has become a diverse and all-encompassing tool that deals...